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User Profile API

Get User Profile

POST - /profile/get

Use this request to return of the user's full profile in JSON. The URL of this endpoint is embedded in the QR code on the business card.

Query Parameter(s):

Parameter Type Description Constraints Default Required
username string Username of the profile being reuqested N/A N/A One of two is required
_id string User's MongoDb id MongoDb ObjectID Type N/A One of two is required



Request Body:

    _id: string
Key Type Description Constraints Default Required
_id string MongoDb ObjectID of the request sender. Sent from the client. N/A N/A No


The user can be found using the query and have a full profile.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body:

  _id: "xxxxxxxxxx",
  dummyid: "dummy1",
  username: "jonmcnamara",
  email: "",
  phone: "12345678901",
  website: "",
  firstname: "John",
  lastname: "McNamara",
    "John is a Senior Inventor, Research Fellow, Impact Fellow and currently provides technical leadership for the IBM Hursley Innovation Centre. John has a diverse background that includes consultancy, performance, service & product delivery, all underpinned by a passion for innovation. Most recently his work leading the Innovation Centre technologist team has allowed him to combine these interests in order to maximise the potential of new technology while solving real problems. John has overseen the delivery of many cognitive cloud-based solutions and understands how to combine technologies to quickly provide value for customers. John is an active inventor with an invention portfolio spanning mobile, A.I, messaging, integration and predictive analytics.",
    "Senior Inventor at IBM and Hursley Innovation Labs Technologist Lead",
    "I have studied at University of Humberside, on Field Of StudyInformation Systems. And received a 2:1 Grade",
  gender: 2,
  isFav: true
Key Type Description
_id string MongoDB ObjectID
dummyid string Exists if the user is dummy data.
username string Unique identifier
profile string Profile picture image Url
gender integer 0 - Unset, 1 - Female, 2 - Male
isFav boolean Whether the profile is in current user's favourite list

User not found

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "not-found"

GET - /profile/get

This request should not be used by the client, as the endpoint is prepared when the user scans the QR code using other app such as the camera app. In such case the URL would be opend in a browser. A html page which invites the user to download our app would be returned.

Query Parameter(s):

Same as the POST request above.


HTML page which invites the user to download the app.

Update User Profile

POST - /profile/update

Request Body:

      _id: "xxxxxxxxxx",
      dummyid: "dummy1",
      username: "jonmcnamara",
      firstname: "John",
      lastname: "McNamara",
        "John is a Senior Inventor, Research Fellow, Impact Fellow and currently provides technical leadership for the IBM Hursley Innovation Centre. John has a diverse background that includes consultancy, performance, service & product delivery, all underpinned by a passion for innovation. Most recently his work leading the Innovation Centre technologist team has allowed him to combine these interests in order to maximise the potential of new technology while solving real problems. John has overseen the delivery of many cognitive cloud-based solutions and understands how to combine technologies to quickly provide value for customers. John is an active inventor with an invention portfolio spanning mobile, A.I, messaging, integration and predictive analytics.",
        "Senior Inventor at IBM and Hursley Innovation Labs Technologist Lead",
        "I have studied at University of Humberside, on Field Of StudyInformation Systems. And received a 2:1 Grade",
      gender: 2
Key Type Description Constraints Default Required
_id string User's MongoDb id MongoDb ObjectID Type N/A Yes
Other fields N/A Any other changed fields, or full profile N/A N/A No


The user can be found using the query and can be updated.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body:


User not found or cannot be updated

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "<Error Message>"

Create dummy profile data

GET - generate/profile

Use this request to generate 3 predefined user profiles (with username: jonmcnamara, amy-pajak, ben-jones respectively).


To use the dummy profile queried by the usernames above, you must generate it using this request first

Query Parameter(s): None


Profile generated.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body:
