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History Cards API

Get history

GET - /history/get

Use this request to return a history list of cards the user have scanned.


JWT Token inside request header, with key Authorization and value Bearer <JWT-Token>

Query Parameter(s): none

Request Body: none


The history can be returned.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body:

    "_id": "<History Storage ID, not usable>",
    "userid": "<User ID of the history owner>",
    "list": [
            "_id": "<History item id, with time info>",
            "name": "<History user name>",
            "userid": "<Current item user id>",
            "profile": "<Profile avatar url>",
            "username": "<Current item user name>",
            "isFav": "<Is this user in the favourites of the request user>",
Key Type Description
userid string User ID
list List List of history items

Bad Request

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "<Error message>"


Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Response Body:

    "error": "You are not authorized to access this resource"

Add to history

POST - /history/add

Use this request to add a single item into the user's history list. Any existing history of this particular id will be overwritten (i.e. only one history entry per each user, only newest entry is kept).


JWT Token inside request header, with key Authorization and value Bearer <JWT-Token>

Query Parameter(s): none

Request Body:

    userid: string
Key Type Description Constraints Default Required
userid string MongoDb ObjectID of the history item (an viewed user) to add MongoDb ObjectID Type N/A Yes


The history can be added.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body:

    "success": "history updated"
Key Type Description
success string success message

Bad Request

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "<Error message>"


Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Response Body:

    "error": "You are not authorized to access this resource"

Remove from history

POST - /history/remove

Use this request to remove a single entry from the history.


JWT Token inside request header, with key Authorization and value Bearer <JWT-Token>

Query Parameter(s): none

Request Body:

    userid: string
Key Type Description Constraints Default Required
userid string MongoDb ObjectID of the history item (an viewed user) to remove MongoDb ObjectID Type N/A Yes


The history is removed if the userid provided is correct.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body:

    "success": "history might be removed"
Key Type Description
success string success message

Bad Request

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "<Error message>"


Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Response Body:

    "error": "You are not authorized to access this resource"

POST - /history/remove-all

Use this request to remove all entries from the history list.


JWT Token inside request header, with key Authorization and value Bearer <JWT-Token>

Query Parameter(s): none

Request Body: none


The history is cleared.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body:

    "success": "history is cleared"
Key Type Description
success string success message

Bad Request

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "<Error message>"


Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Response Body:

    "error": "You are not authorized to access this resource"