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File Upload API

File upload

POST - /upload

Upload image or audio file into the backend server. The file will be stored in the user's respective folder. Please name the filename carefully before upload, as this will be the file name stored on the server, file with the same name uploaded by the same user will be overwritten.


JWT Token inside request header, with key Authorization and value Bearer <JWT-Token>

Request Body:

Please put the raw file into the request body with key file.

Key Type Description Constraints Default Required
file File Raw File N/A N/A Yes


The file can be upload.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body:

    "success": "file uploaded",
    "path": "<Uploaded file URL>"
Key Type Description
success string Success message
path string Uploaded file URL

Bad Request

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "<Error message>"


Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Response Body:

    "error": "You are not authorized to access this resource"

Standard file names

The following are the example file names of common files shared between the client and the server.

File name Description File type
profile.png Image for user's profile picture png
education.mp3 User's recording file for their education section mp3
description.mp3 User's recording file for their one sentence description section mp3
work-experience.mp3 User's recording file for their work experiences section mp3