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Deploy Node.js and Express Server

Install Node.js

If you already install Node.js please jump to Clone from Github

Download Node and Npm

Download your prefer version of Node.js

Check that you have node and npm installed

To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal:

node -v

To confirm that you have npm installed you can run this command in your terminal:

npm -v

Clone from Github

clone the repository by runnning:

git clone

now navigate to the project

cd Backend-API

Config your backend server

Make a copy of the default environment file .env.default then rename the file to .env.

Open the .env you just created, complete the config the save it.


Please correctly config the Watson Assistant, and paste the correct WATSON_KEY and WATSON_ASSISTANT_ID into the .env file. We have attached our Watson Config Key and ID into the submission.

Please also note that UPLOAD_FOLDER should be publically accessible.

SERVER_ADDRESS should be the root URL of the server, JWT_KEY can be any arbitrary key for encryption.

Run the application

Make sure:

  • Your current directory is the backend working directory.
  • MongoDB is correctly installed.
  • You have ran npm install to install all the dependencies.
  • Your .env is correctly configured.


node server.js

to start the server, once the server has started you will see similar output:

App listening on port ${port}!

You can also use a process manager such as pm2 to run the server persistantly.

If you have pm2 installed, you can also use our launch script:
